Our Story

Dania Lebovics was your typical first time mom, where every experience was new and sometimes a little overwhelming. To make sure she didn’t forget anything, Dania starting taking notes and began to track her baby’s progress. She recorded every little detail in a notebook she and her husband lovingly called the Poopy Log.

Once the Poopy Log was full, Dania, being the accountant that she is, transferred her notes onto spreadsheet software and organized them according to milestones.

When Dania’s friends saw her book, they wanted to have one for their own children, and so a business was born. After several edits and editions, the Poopy Log evolved into Baby Chronicles. Now in its 16th printing, Baby Chronicles has developed into the perfect baby memorabilia book.

And like Dania's children, the Baby Chronicles series has grown and is now a complete product line that includes Baby Chronicles, SCHOOL YEAR CHRONICLES, High School Chronicles and Baby Chronicles Pregnancy Planner.

Dania would like to thank the loyal community of parents and children who enjoy all the books in the series. Their great comments and suggestions have kept the books current and ensured the preservation of almost every memory of this extraordinary time in their lives.

Growing up Baby Chronicles...